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Faculty of Aviation and Astronautics

 Welcome to the Limitless World of the Sky! This is a meeting point for aviation enthusiasts. A platform filled with the latest aviation news, aircraft reviews and in-depth information on flight technologies. Discover innovations in the aviation industry and share your passion for the sky with us.

Innovative Aviation Technologies: In-depth analyzes on topics such as future flight technologies, sustainable fuel solutions and artificial intelligence-supported air traffic management. Discover the technologies shaping the future of the aviation industry


Professor Doctor Süleyman Tolun

Innovative Aviation Technologies: In-depth analyzes on topics such as future flight technologies, sustainable fuel solutions and artificial intelligence-supported air traffic management. Discover the technologies shaping the future of the aviation industry

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We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

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Dedication Expertize. passion

Innovative Aviation Technologies: In-depth analyzes on topics such as future flight technologies, sustainable fuel solutions and artificial intelligence-supported air traffic management. Discover the technologies shaping the future of the aviation industry

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